Content in Context SuperLessons (C2SL) is a professional development program initially designed for 2nd – 8th grade Lane County teachers and now also serving earth and physical science 9-12 teachers, directed by UO STEM CORE’s Dr. Bryan Rebar, and run in partnership with Springfield Public Schools, Lane Education Service District, and Eugene School District 4J. The focus is math and science teaching using a project-based learning approach. 100 teachers representing all 16 public school districts in Lane County have participated since 2015.
See a five minute video about the C2SL Program below.
Find SuperLessons (unit plans) developed by teachers in the program on our C2SL page on the Open Educational Resources site. Kits associated with each SuperLesson unit are available for check out to Lane County teachers via Lane Education Service District (Lane ESD).
Links to C2SL videos featuring individual projects:
- Butting Heads
- ¡Plantas, animales, diversidad, caramba!
- Modi-Flied
- Create Your Own Life Straw
- You Can Smell It!
Below is an “info-mercial” created by a participant teacher.
If you are an elementary or middle school teacher or administrator and want to learn more about the C2SL unit plans our participant teachers have developed and the associated materials kits available for check out, contact Dara Brennan at
- Read a story about the C2SL Program featured in Around the O.
- Learn about C2SL from the perspective of a STEM professional serving as a community partner.
- View a Poster about C2SL: Integrating Math and Science with Project-Based Learning and Community Partners
- View a poster about University of Oregon’s STEM CORE: Linking Research, Teacher Professional Development, and Industry Partnerships, including information on C2SL.
If you are a professional who uses STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) in the workplace and you are interested in supporting teachers, contact Dr. Bryan Rebar at