Why host interns?
Hosting interns can help advance your research and contribute to your efforts to support teaching, training, enhancing diversity, and other societal impacts.
Support for Interns
STEM CORE manages the Summer Program for Undergraduate Research (SPUR). SPUR provides support (stipends, housing, professional development, social activities) for 10 week internships for a diverse group of both UO and visiting students in the life sciences. Visit spur.uoregon.edu to learn more.
Teacher Researchers
Including teacher research experiences as part of a grant is an effective way to address the NSF broader impacts criterion. Two Dear Colleague Letters invite supplemental requests to support teacher interns in BIO and GEO.
STEM CORE works with faculty and local teachers to identify opportunities for supported summer research placements through the Partners in Science Program offered by Murdock Charitable Trust. If you are interested in hosting a teacher, contact Bryan Rebar at brebar@uoregon.edu. The annual deadline for jointly submitted applications by the faculty and teacher partners is December 1st.
STEM CORE also supports summer research for UO science undergraduates exploring K-12 science teaching careers via the Experiencing Science Practices through Research to Inspire Teaching (ESPRIT) Program.
STEM CORE participates in a multi-institution consortium to support and study the impact of teacher research experiences as part of the Collaborative Around Research Experiences for Teachers (CARET).
Contact Bryan Rebar at brebar@uoregon.edu for guidance in developing plans for hosting teacher researchers.